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The Catfish

: is a truly versatile lure designed for the Walleye market in the States developed for casting or trolling. With the bottom hook removed, this is also a weedless lure which can also be used for bottom bouncing without fear of snagging;  With the bottom hook in place this can be worked and trolled with no fear of snagging in open water. Both in America and Europe Walleye / Zander are known to prey heavily on juvenile catfish.
Catfish lure Colours
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The Catfish, 4”, 24g
Price £

Attack the Shack Sucking Susan

: as with the above lures we have made a couple of minor alterations, a different hook arrangement, an improved cradle, a slightly narrower wrist and wider tail means you can now move them slower and don’t have to crank them at breakneck speed to get the tail to wiggle!   and these are also made for us by the same people who make genuine bulldawgs (Trophy Technologies).      Price...
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Sucking Susan Regular, 8”, 175g
Sucking Susan Magnum, 10”, 328g
Price £
Sucking Susan fishing lure colours

Attack the Shack Curly Susy

: Yes these lures bear a cunning resemblance to another lure out there with a similar name. However we have made a few alterations, slightly wider tail, more resilient plastic that is super glue repairable (so no need for the hot welding iron and the stench of burning plastic), and of course there is always the price. The Regs are around 38% cheaper than the competition and the Mags around 48% cheaper than the competition, give or take a few pence for the exchange rate. So all in all an improved lure at a great price... and these are also made for us by the same people who make genuine bulldawgs (Trophy Technologies).
Curly Susy fishing lure colours
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Curly Susy Regular, 8”, 175g
Curly Susy Magnum, 10”, 328g

Bobcat Mini-Tailer

: Here we have the long awaited smaller version of the Twinfin / Bobcat tailer which weighs in at a much more manageable 45g and at 5 3/4” long still has a large enough presence to attract the bigger predators. Wired right through and furnished with Mustad 4X 1/O trebles, this is truly a big value soft bait at a very small price.        Price...
Bobcat lure Mini-Tailer Colours
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Bobcat Mini-Tailer, 45g, 5 3/4”


: This is our own Dawg made for us by the same people (Trophy Technologies) who make the original Bulldawg for Brad in the same style as the "Uptown Dawg". These came about after discussion with several members of the PAC. They were concerned about the amount of damage that could be inflicted on a Pike by the huge thick jighook; many of them told us they cut the jighook off before fishing and rigged a treble further back in its place so we came up with the Bobcat.

This range is very slightly softer than a bulldawg with a different hook arrangement. They are all slightly lighter than real bulldawgs but a little heavier than the Shallow Bulldawgs. Add to this the fact that they are hand poured and come with the “original style” hand cut tail plus they are “glueable” which means you can fix them with superglue (Superglue3 or original Loctite Superglue) when they get torn and all at less than the price of a bulldawg.  These were tested extensively during the 2005 reservoir season by several members of the PAC and LAS, in the reservoirs, on the fens and in Holland and they proved very successful and the rest is history as they say. These now outsell original Bulldawgs 4 to 1.      Bobcat prices...
Regular Bobcat Colours:
Bobcat lure colours
Bobcat Lure Colours2
The picture below shows clearly the stainless steel cradle and weight system which is moulded internally into these Dawg copies. The rings are spot welded for extra strength and the internal weight is foil wrapped. Please note this clear Bobcat is a one off, hand made, for demonstration purposes only and is not available for sale.
Bobcat fishing lure internals
Bobcat Size Comparison:
Bobcat Lure Size Comparison
Price £
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Regular Bobcat, 7.25”, 122g
P&P (£)
Spring Bobcat, 6”, 54g
Mag Bobcat, 10”, 220g
Sold Out
Mag Bobcat lure colours
Mag Bobcat Colours:
Pike caught on bobcat lure
Fine Grafham Zander caught on bobcat lure
Spring Bobcat lure Colours
Spring Bobcat lure, New colours
New Bobcat Colours, all sizes:
Spring Bobcat Colours:
Jason Pardoe with a nice Pike
Alan Shiveral with a fine Grafham Zander caught on one of our Bobcats.
Bobcat Mini-Tailer 
The Catfish 
Curly Susy 
Sucking Susan
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Dawg Copies

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