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These products are not available from tackle shops in Serbia, they can only be bought from commercial suppliers who sell nets, traps etc and only on production of your commercial fishing license. All clonks carry the manufacturers mark to identify where they came from. A few hundred miles north in Hungary everyone is allowed to clonk for cats. Consequently Catfish are nearly extinct in this region. Clonks are also available in tackle shops in all shapes and forms, mostly commercially made, laminated and of poor quality. We bought what we were reliably informed were the best on the market anywhere in Europe. These are now available for you in the UK. Prices...
There are clonking and clonk making competitions so we visited the 15 times world champion (all Balkan competitions are world championships) and secured a long term supply of his products. These are all hand carved from a single piece of carefully selected hardwood to achieve the correct resonance with different sized heads for different situations. A large head for bank and wooden boat is used, a medium sized head for use with a plastic / fibre glass boat and a small head for use with an aluminium boat.
In the Balkans they regularly hold competitions for all sorts of fishing related things such as fly tying (where the object is to tie the most realistic fly possible), float making (where the object is to make the smallest possible float hold the largest possible amount of weight) and of course clonking is no exception.
Catfish Clonks
: No-one knows exactly when clonking started. Like most things in central and eastern Europe there are 1000+ opinions. One thing is for certain, clonking certainly works and works amazingly well. So well in fact that on many parts of the Danube it is banned for part of, if not all of the season. For instance in Serbia clonking is only permitted if you are licensed professional fishermen (that means catching fish for market). Private people / rod anglers are not allowed to clonk for cats which is bizarre considering the professional fishermen can use any method including dynamite.
Rozemeijer Catfish Double Spoons
: are basically two copper spoons together. The top one is painted with the designs you see below, the bottom one left plain. The idea is a European one, the two spoons together are of course twice as heavy and therefore stay deep, they also rattle and chatter together causing noise as well as flash. They are fitted with Berkeley swivels, Worth split rings and Owner 5X trebles and are available in the two colours below. Price...
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Sovereign Cat Sack, This is our Sovereign Super "Cat Sac". It measures 1.7m X 1m & is big enough to retain just about anything you are liable to catch in the UK.
It is made our of super soft material to protect your fish, as predators are more delicate than carp.
It will or course still hold your big carp.
This sack was used to retain Wayne Fletcher's huge 65lb+ lure caught catfish from the Warren in Essex, back in 2012.
We have used this Sac to hold tarpon up to 70lb & barracuda up to 55lb while we get the camera ready & they are both pretty feisty fish to retain, but both went back just fine & the Sac was also just fine.
(No you don't get a free model with each Sack, that comment is a bit old & boring now!)
Lure fishing for Pike, Bass, Zander & Perch Fly fishing for Pike, Bass, Zander, Perch & Carp