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Sovereign Super Bass Bait: This japanese lure is known by several names around the world and usually retails for around £30. We have bought what is known in the trade as overrun directly from the manufacturers who make this lure for half a dozen different companies. One company calls it L'maX, another calls it Tide Minnow 175F, another company calls it WESTlab and yet another company calls it Osilater.
All of these companies market this lure as a shallow running, japanese minnow bait. We are obviously not allowed to use these trade names and have arrived at our own name, but the lures may come out to you with one or other of the aforementioned trade names on them.
Overrun happens because when a company orders a thousand lures they expect all 1000 to be absolutely perfect. Some extras are made to substitute for any flawed lures. At the end of production the "overrun" are sold off to the highest bidder, this time it was us.
Whatever you call this lure, it is an absolutely fantastic fish catcher. As well as being a great bass lure, we have used it all over the world for all sorts of species. It runs between 30cm / 1ft and 80cm / 2ft 6" depending on tide, speed of retrieve etc. It weighs 32g, casts like a bullet and is furnished with Ashima / Morris Size 5 wide gape, black carbon treble hooks.
The first batch of 700 as detailed above sold out in record time. The ten colours below include the new 2017 autumn colours and the hooks on this batch are VMC 9649s with a galvanised / tinned finish.

Nine Bones on a Sovereign Super Bassbait
Wallbanger: This lure is aimed at larger Bass with its 14cm body. Like a lot of American lures it is furnished with three trebles to ensure you hook up. It behaves very well in the air, casts long distances with ease, wobbles and flashes well, has internal rattles and is a slow sinker.
Wake Jive Lures: Here we have the Scandinavian take on sea bass lures, while looking vaguely like several other lures on the market the “Wake Jive” has an action all of its own. It can be made to run down to around 4’ on a quick retrieve with thin braid but we have had better results using this lure just sub-surface on a slow, lazy, twitchy retrieve. As well as casting accurately this lure trolls very well although on the troll it runs down to about 6’. Results so far have been very encouraging with several decent fish being reported.
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Please note not all lures can be used for Bass but certainly all Bass lures can be used for Pike, Perch and Zander.
Bass Shallow Minnow
Lure fishing for Pike, Bass, Zander & Perch Fly fishing for Pike, Bass, Zander, Perch & Carp